sábado, 11 de julho de 2015

A Reflexogenic Relationship

A Reflexogenic Relationship: The Muscle/Joint Battle, Part 1

By Erik Dalton, PhD
Reflexogenic - Producing or increasing reflex actions between muscles and joints.
Myoskeletal - All soft tissues forming from the mesoderm including muscles, ligaments, joint capsules, discs, fascia and bones.
The muscles of the spine.
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 One distinguishing feature of the Myoskeletal Alignment Technique® is the inclusion of deep-tissue routines for unlocking motion-restricted joints. For decades, massage therapists have searched for practical ways to identify and release fibrotic joint capsules, spinal ligaments and fixated facets while staying within their scope of practice. In the early 90s, a holistic soft-tissue approach emerged to help therapists accurately identify and correct pain-generating reflexogenic muscle/joint conditions.
Surprisingly, the "key" that unlocked the door to this muscle/joint mystery initially was revealed in a presentation to the American Back Association by the legendary osteopath Dr. Philip Greenman when he stated, "In the presence of vertebral dysfunction, palpable fourth-layer muscle hypertonicity will always be found." The fourth-layer transversospinalis muscles include the rotatores, multifidus, levator costalis and intertransversarii (Fig. 1). These phylogenetically old laminar-groove muscles are the first structures neurologically stressed by joint blockage, and often are the very same tissues that prolong the dysfunction.
Working with the understanding contained in Greenman's statement, the massage therapist can maximize therapeutic outcomes by:
  • palpating and releasing fourth-layer muscle fibrosis;
  • testing for underlying joint dysfunction (facets not opening or closing); and
  • restoring range of motion using sustained directional pressure on spinal-groove muscles and bones as the client flexes and extends through the fixated area.
Joint Play
Vertabrae with facets locked closed. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register MarkFigure 2Under normal conditions, the superior vertebra of each joint smoothly flexes, extends, sidebends and rotates on its inferior neighbor. Too often, however, hypertonically short spinal muscles bind one side of a joint altering its axis of rotation and center of gravity (Fig. 2). When therapists continually palpate lumpy, stringy or wiry fourth-layer intrinsic muscles session after session, underlying joint dysfunction is present and must be addressed.
According to John Mennell, MD, all of the body's synovial joints must have at least 1/8 inch of movement not controlled by voluntary muscle contraction. The term "joint play" was coined to describe this essential principle of normal, pain-free, non-restricted vertebral movement. Deep-tissue myoskeletal techniques focus on restoring joint play and stopping the reflexogenic battle between muscles and joints.
This article offers an overview of current theories and myoskeletal strategies for preventing and correcting "catch 22" pain/spasm/pain cycles perpetuated by abnormal muscle/joint reflex actions.
Fourth-Layer Spinal Muscles
Multifidi Rotatores - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register MarkFigure 3Working through the bulky paravertebral muscles and fascia, bodyworkers' sensitive fingers frequently encounter small, hard and sometimes tender knots in the deep transversospinalis muscles of the erector spinae group. These highly innervated tissues located in the medial groove adjacent to the spinous processes contribute to rotation, sidebending and extension in each spinal segment. According to Greenman, "Fourth-layer muscles are dense in spindles and function more as proprioceptors than prime movers. When dysfunctional, they alter joint mechanics locally and alter the behavior of the larger muscles of the erector spinae group." Therefore, muscles such as the multifidus and rotatores (and suboccipitals) are perceived as dynamic ligaments designed to stabilize the spine. Acting as supporting, information-gatheringligaments, they allow the brain to coordinate more gross movements of the vertebral column via longer-lever muscles that have greater leverage and mechanical advantage.
Spinal muscles. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register MarkFigure 4The power generated by short fourth-layer spinal muscles is easily underestimated. These highly innervated little critters readily pack enough punch to lock spinal joints open or closed with their strong torsional forces (Fig. 3). Holding a telephone with the shoulder to one ear is a perfect example in which prolonged cervicothoracic sidebending unilaterally compresses joint surfaces, creating reflex transversospinalis and erector spinae spasm. This predictable neurological firing pattern represents the beginning of many functional scoliotic cases seen in the clinic. However, specially designed deep-tissue massage techniques can be very effective in releasing hypertonic myofascia and recovering joint play to fixated facets. Regrettably, some of the tightest transversospinalis muscles are buried deep to more superficial groove muscles such as the multifidus and spinalis, making it difficult and sometimes impossible to mobilize them with fingers and thumbs (Fig. 4). So, how can massage therapists access and release short, concealed spinal muscles that bind joints and perpetuate aberrant pain and posture problems? In part two of the "Reflexogenic Relationship" series, I will demonstrate innovative soft tissue techniques for creating joint-play in fixated facets.

Part 2

Myoskeletal Muscle Manipulation Through Joint Mobilization
A confounding situation arises as the therapist's fingers attempt to pry between joint surfaces to contact the short rotators, intertransversarii, and intertransverse muscles.
Although these tiny, one-joint rotators/side-benders typically are the tightest in the presence of joint dysfunction, application of direct localized pressure sometimes is impossible, given the limited space between articular surfaces. Here's when the myoskeletal technique comes in handy. The therapist utilizes sustained manual pressure on the superior fixated vertebra as the joint is taken through a specific range of motion. Basically, bones are used as levers to create a Golgi tendon organ (GTO) release in all fourth-layer muscles, causing the joint blockage. The question then arises as to the nature of the fixated joint: Is it locked, open or closed? And which side of the spine is stuck?
Example of Reflexogenic Treatment - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register MarkUsing the myoskeletal approach, the therapist's fingers and thumbs wade through the paraspinal laminar groove tissues, scanning for lumpy, wiry and knotty transversospinalis muscles. Once the hypertonic little muscles are found, what information is revealed about the nature of the dysfunctional joint? Not much! By Greenman's definition, it's obvious that joint dysfunction exists, but what type? Is one side of the joint jammed closed and unable to open during forward bending, or is a superior facet not closing on the vertebra below during backward bending?
Stuck Closed
In Figure 5, the therapist's thumbs apply sustained pressure to the bony knot where the fibrosis was found, as the side-lying client flexes and extends the spine through the affected area using a chin-tucking enhancer. If the bony knot pushes back into the thumbs as flexion is introduced, the joint on the ipsilateral side is not opening. The joint's axis of rotation is forced to revolve around the fixated facets, causing the superior transverse process to push back against the therapist's thumbs. The thumbs hold a gentle, sustained headward pressure on the superior transverse process as the client flexes the chin toward his chest. This produces a GTO release in the deep groove muscles and stretches the fibrosed spinal ligaments and joint capsule, allowing the fixated facets to open. In the myoskeletal method, bones are only applied as levers to release adhesive spinal soft tissues that cannot be liberated directly with traditional deep-tissue techniques.
Example of Reflexogenic Treatment - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register MarkDuring the fourth-layer assessment, if the bony knot does not push back into the palpating thumbs or fingers as the client flexes through the area, the joint is not closing on thecontralateral side. To free the hypertonic tissues preventing closure of the superior facets on their inferior neighbor, the client assumes a prone position. The therapist's fingers, thumbs or elbow slowly glide down each side of the lamina groove as the client rhythmically raises and lowers his head. In Figure 6, the therapist uses the elbow to traverse down the groove while the client extends and lowers his neck and upper thoracic spine. If a bony knot is palpated, the joint is not closing on the contralateral side. Gentle, sustained pressure (with client-enhancing movement) releases fibrotic groove muscles, joint capsules, and spinal ligaments, allowing the superior facets joints to glide inferiorly and close on the vertebra below.
Scope of Practice
As with all treatment protocols, exceptions occur that can render the myoskeletal method ineffective. Damaged joints often create stubborn fixations that cannot be released by working muscles alone. Vertebrae that have undergone adherent cartilage degradation, apophyseal joint swelling and facet "nipping" due to prolonged microtrauma, typically will not regain lost motion simply by releasing the fibrotic muscles, joint capsules and spinal ligaments. True adhesive joint-fixation problems point to a more serious condition. However, massage therapists who regularly work in conjunction with chiropractors and manipulative osteopaths can enhance therapeutic outcomes by "prepping" the affected area, so that high-velocity thrusting maneuvers are more effective. Manual therapists must develop a good complementary health care referral base so prompt referrals can occur if soft-tissue approaches do not alleviate all the client's pain and/or posture problems.
Combining muscle and joint modalities increases therapeutic efficiency and encourages referrals as therapists resolve stubborn, long-standing pain/spasm/pain cycles. By incorporating holistic-minded reflexogenic routines, today's touch therapist can help solve America's epidemic musculoskeletal pain crisis. Therapeutic outcomes are enhanced as assessment and treatment routines are expanded to include all soft tissues forming from the mesoderm, including muscles, fascia, joint capsules, spinal ligaments, nerve dura, and intervertebral discs.
Although myoskeletal therapy delves deep into body structures, the intent is still slow and sustained soft-tissue work combined with specific client-initiated enhancers, such as chin-tucking, eye movements, deep breathing, pelvic tilting, etc. The client's experience following a myoskeletal session should be one of invigoration, pain relief, increased range of motion and postural improvement. Bones are assessed and treated as soft tissues in the myoskeletal system, with pressure often applied directly to myofascia overlying transverse processes. It's of the utmost importance to stress that bones only are used as levers to release hard-to-access, fourth-layer muscles, ligaments and fibrotic joint capsules (much like frozen shoulder work). Therapists always must remember that joints should never be taken into a nonphysiologic range of motion, which remains outside the scope of practice for most massage and bodywork practitioners.
  1. Mennell, J MCM. Joint Pain. Little Brown & Company, Boston, 1964.
  2. Greenman PE. Principles of Manual Medicine, pg. 67. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2003.

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