Fixing Achy Hips
Erik Dalton, Ph.D.
Structurally-oriented therapists are keenly aware of the crucial role proper iliosacral alignment plays in preventing compensatory low back and SI joint pain. During the 10-step screening evaluation, therapists usually compare anatomical landmarks such as anterior and posterior superior iliac spines and iliac crests. A commonly observed pattern reveals an anterior/inferior right rotated ilium accompanied by a high left posteriorly rotated ilium. Scientists such as Zink, Previc, Geschwind, Rogers, Vallortigara and Tommasi have developed fascinating theories (motor dominance, cerebral lateralization and genetic potential) to shed light on the possible origins of these frequently seen patterns. Although most manual therapy clinicians agree that the foot’s architecture plays a major role in iliosacral rotation, aside from lengthening or shortening of a limb, many remain unsure of the link between foot posture, pelvic obliquity and hip/back pain.
A Sham Case Study
When palpating the navicular on the opposite foot, one discovers a high rigid arch that feels stuck in a supinated position. By viewing the Achilles tendon and calcaneus bone from behind, one observes the subtalar ‘saddle-joint’ cocked in a varus position with body weight shifting laterally and compressing the cuboid. This is the precursor for such conditions as plantar fasciitis and fibular stress fractures. Ideally, at heel strike, the foot and ankle ligaments ‘give’ to the pressure allowing the arch to flatten and the tibia to internally rotate. During toe-off, the arch springs open and the tibia externally rotates. Stored potential energy is released in a powerful pulse driving kinetic energy back up through the system to help counter-rotate the torso and pelvis to propel the legs forward.
Recall that the term “kinetic chain” describes how we move our bodies. We move in either in an open kinetic chain or closed kinetic chain. The difference lies in whether the moving part is loose in space or fixed against a hard, unrelenting surface…such as the earth. Pronated and supinated feet are an unstable platform and soon encounter resistance further up the kinetic chain. Loss of antigravity spring leads to compensations that torsion and compact the knees, hips, low back, and trunk (Fig. 3).
Femoral Positioning and Pelvic Rotation
Experiment by doing the following: place fingers under each ASIS, pronate your left foot, supinate the right, and feel the right ASIS drop anterior/inferiorly as body weight side-shifts over the left posterior/superiorly rotated innominate. In the absence of hip or lumbar pathology, you should feel the pelvic bowl left rotate.
This mechanism of anteroposterior femoral head positioning also helps explain other clinical findings. For example, we often have clients presenting with bilateral foot pronation (pes planus) complain of back pain. Bilateral pronation increases lumbar lordosis and lumbosacral angle causing excessive compressive force through the L4-5 and L5-S1 facets and intervertebral discs. With these individuals, both femoral heads are positioned posteriorly allowing the pelvic contents to ‘dump’ forward and sway the back. Conversely, bilateral supinated feet position the femoral heads anteriorly in the acetabula resulting in decreased lumbar lordosis, flat back, flat butt and loss of kinetic energy into the ground during gait. Although various aberrant combinations of femoral positioning exist, some are considerably more detrimental than others.
Femoral Positioning and Hip Impingement
At the 15th Combined Open Meeting of the Hip Society and American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, held Feb. 28, 2008 in Las Vegas, the ‘godfather’ of femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) Reinhold Ganz, MD, of Bern, Switzerland stated, “Surgical management of hip impingement syndromes is one of the most exciting developments in the entire field of hip pathology and hip disease in the last decade. The key to recognition of FAI is that even minor abnormalities in positioning of the proximal end of the femur can lead to difficult motion and possibly to impingement within the well-constrained hip joint,” During the physical examination, Ganz recommended checking the hip’s internal rotation in flexion using the anterior impingement test. If limited or highly painful when range of motion is executed, this could indicate femoral acetabular hip impingement. 8
Orthopedists theorize FAI could serve as a major cause of damaged hip joints in adults and the primary reason behind the escalation of hip replacements. Treating FAI impingement should involve techniques for balancing femoral head/neck positioning relative to the acetabulum. Since FAI arises from bony or mechanical abnormalities of femoral head placement in the acetabulum, manual therapists often have the best shot in preventing or correcting this anomaly and would benefit greatly by attending workshops designed to assess and treat this pervasive condition.
A prerequisite need for all pain management, sports, and structural integration therapists should involve a basic understanding of the relationship of iliosacral unleveling and foot posture. Since most therapists are not privy to radiographic measurements, we must develop keen palpatory and visual skills to properly evaluate bony and soft tissue landmarks. As Sir William Osler eloquently stated, “In order to treat something, we must first be able to recognize it”. Any attempt to tackle iliosacral rotational patterns armed with inadequate assessment and treatment tools will undoubtedly end in failure and frustration. From a functional standpoint, there is strong evidence of an associated increase in the incidence of low back pain and hip joint osteoarthritis if foot posture and femoral rotational patterns are not addressed in a timely manner.
In my next “Toolbox of Touch” column, I’ll present theories on “why” we encounter common compensatory patterns; discuss cerebral lateralization and motor dominance, and share Myoskeletal Techniques to address the strain patterns falling within the FAI realm.
- Zink G J. AN Osteopathic Structural Examination of the Soma. Osteopathic Annals 7:12-19, 1979
- Previc F., A General Theory Concerning the Prenatal Origins of Cerebral Lateralizations in Humans. Psychological Review, Volume 98, 1991
- Geschwind N. Cerebral Lateralization. MIT Press, 1987
- Rogers L. et al, Advantages of Having a Lateralized Brain, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
- Vallortigara G. et al, Cerebral Lateralization. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 4, 2005
- Tommasi L. et al., Mechanisms and Functions of Brain and Behavioral Asymmetries, Proceedings of the royal Society B, Vol. 364, 2009
- Dalton E. Don’t Get Married
- Ganz R. Femoral acetabular impingement. Presented at the 15th Combined Open Meeting of the Hip Society and American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons. Feb. 28, 2008. Las Vegas.
Thanks for sharing such an amazing article, really informative.
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