sábado, 2 de maio de 2015

Percutaneous intramuscular neuromuscular electric stimulation for the treatment of shoulder subluxation and pain in patients with chronic hemiplegia: A pilot study☆☆

Presented in part at the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America's annual conference, June 29, 1998, Minneapolis, MN, and at the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation's Annual Assembly, November 6, 1998, Seattle, WA.
John Chae, MD, ME
Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Yu, Chae), and Orthopedics (Yu, Chae), MetroHealth Medical Center; Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Yu, Chae), Department of Biomedical Engineering (Walker), Case Western Reserve University; and NeuroControl Corp, Cleveland, OH (Fang). Walker is now with NeuroControl Corp, Cleveland, OH.
NO LABELa. NeuroControl Corp, 8333 Rockside Rd, Valley View, OH 44125.

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